Into Imagination, Unto Creation
(As the machine struck with the nova, I could feel the entirety of existence place itself upon my shoulders and I was sent deep into the Dreams. It was as though I was flying past light itself with its blistering colors of beauty and a dance of collectivized imagination of everything that ever lived. My eyes were scorched with words and characters that I had never seen before, yet I could understand it as the knowledge was carved into my memories like a dagger to skin. Reality began to crack around me, shattering away the tunnel of vibrance and replacing it with a darkness greater than my home universe.)
(At that moment, I had not known it yet, but I had looked directly into the Void of Creation and laid my eyes upon everything to ever exist.)
(I traveled towards the center, my skin was peeled away from me and I was encircled briefly by my form. It was an odd sensation being deconstructed from outside my own body, from the human skin I wear -- to the being underneath. I could see everything I was before being rebuilt again.)
(I would land on a center platform of cooled light. Blues, purples, and greens would swirl around me as I was brought upon the platform’s edge. What lay ahead of me was an endless horizon line, not understanding where it ended and began. To my back, I realized I was staring at infinity. A perfect branching of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of universes that could and would ever exist. My own mouth was agape feeling lost as to what understanding I was to make of it all.)
(A force from behind brought me to face the infinite horizon again. Pure energy stood before me. Its presence was overwhelming, exerting a pressure over me that I could not refuse. It may have been the first time I had actually felt fear, an experience that made me realize how little I was compared to the larger image.)
(It stretched out its arm, and what I could only assume to force...
(As the machine struck with the nova, I could feel the entirety of existence place itself upon my shoulders and I was sent deep into the Dreams. It was as though I was flying past light itself with its blistering colors of beauty and a dance of collectivized imagination of everything that ever lived. My eyes were scorched with words and characters that I had never seen before, yet I could understand it as the knowledge was carved into my memories like a dagger to skin. Reality began to crack around me, shattering away the tunnel of vibrance and replacing it with a darkness greater than my home universe.)
(At that moment, I had not known it yet, but I had looked directly into the Void of Creation and laid my eyes upon everything to ever exist.)
(I traveled towards the center, my skin was peeled away from me and I was encircled briefly by my form. It was an odd sensation being deconstructed from outside my own body, from the human skin I wear -- to the being underneath. I could see everything I was before being rebuilt again.)
(I would land on a center platform of cooled light. Blues, purples, and greens would swirl around me as I was brought upon the platform’s edge. What lay ahead of me was an endless horizon line, not understanding where it ended and began. To my back, I realized I was staring at infinity. A perfect branching of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of universes that could and would ever exist. My own mouth was agape feeling lost as to what understanding I was to make of it all.)
(A force from behind brought me to face the infinite horizon again. Pure energy stood before me. Its presence was overwhelming, exerting a pressure over me that I could not refuse. It may have been the first time I had actually felt fear, an experience that made me realize how little I was compared to the larger image.)
(It stretched out its arm, and what I could only assume to force...
Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
Connect On: minecraftserver.com
Connect On: minecraftserver.com
December 6th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1975
December 3rd 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1970
- Phantom spawn mechanic adjusted. Phantom's will not spawn until you have not slept for 6 in game days.
November: Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
Connect On: minecraftserver.com
November 27th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1965
- Death Messages enabled again and updated.
November 23rd 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1964
- /adventurers command now also shows the ranks requirements.
- GriefPrevention plugin updated to version 16.11.5
November 22nd 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1960
November 14th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1952
- The End has been reset.
- DragonSlayer temporarily disabled due to an ongoing glitch issue.
November 9th...
Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
Connect On: minecraftserver.com
Connect On: minecraftserver.com
October 29th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1930
- Updated to Server to Minecraft Version 1.13.2
October 23th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1915
October 13th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1911
- /pioneers command now also shows the ranks requirements.
October 11th 2018
- Server will automatically restart at 4.00am GMT everyday.
October 7th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1909
- Phantom behavior adjusted (see below for details)
Normally, phantoms spawn above players who have had three or more Minecraft days of not sleeping. After the phantom spawns, when the player uses a bed or is killed, phantoms will continue to haunt the same player until they cannot find the player, in which case they will move on to assault any other player regardless of if they rested.
In single player, the above is not a problem since the player can skip the night and let the sun kill off the phantoms. However, that's not the case for multiplayer servers where players have to endure phantom attacks until the next sunrise.
Phantoms will now ignore players who used the bed within last three Minecraft days. Phantoms will ignore players who uses the bed or is killed. Phantoms now de-spawn when they try to target the rested player.
October 6th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1908
October 2nd 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1902
- Server Hardware Updated
I have decided to move the Wilderness Survival server onto an improved hardware platform, the new server includes Solid State Drives (SSDs) gone are the old mechanical hard drives. Along...
When an Adventurer dies, an AngelChest is created. The chest is locked and protected for 15 minutes, once the 15 minute timer expires then the chest disapears and just drops the contents. Your chest is also protected and can only be accessed by yourself. However you can also /unlock your chest, for example if you died in the company of a friend and are happy for them to grab your stuff. The chest will hold your complete inventory including armor slots. Your AngelChest will not work in The End!
When you right click the AngelChest, your inventory will be restored. If not all the items can be stored (because you picked something up after re-spawning), the remaining items will be left in the chest and you can decide which items you want to be left behind. Once the chest is emptied or the duration is reached, it will de-spawn and drop the remaining items.
I have begun adding a number of what I feel are missing crafting recipes, so below is the current full list of our servers custom crafting recipes on Wilderness Survival:
Golden Enchanted Apple:
Name Tag:
Grass Block:
Iron Horse Armor:
Golden Horse Armor:
Diamond Horse Armor:

Golden Enchanted Apple:
Name Tag:
Grass Block:
Iron Horse Armor:
Golden Horse Armor:
Diamond Horse Armor:
September 30th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1899
- Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.4
September 26th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1893
- Phantoms will no longer spawn in spawn
- Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.3
September 18th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1879
- Added /adventurers command to display all additional commands the Adventurers gain with the rank.
September 16th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1877
September 11th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1865
September 10th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1862
- Added 5 more crafting recipes.
September 9th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1860
- 2 custom crafting recipes added.
September 6th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1848
- Grief Prevention Updated to v16.9 (improved 1.13.1 compatibility)
- Player death messages, mob names and grammar corrected....
- Updated Spigot to build 1899
- Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.4
September 26th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1893
- Phantoms will no longer spawn in spawn

- Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.3
September 18th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1879
- Added /adventurers command to display all additional commands the Adventurers gain with the rank.
September 16th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1877
September 11th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1865
September 10th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1862
- Added 5 more crafting recipes.
September 9th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1860
- 2 custom crafting recipes added.
September 6th 2018
- Updated Spigot to build 1848
- Grief Prevention Updated to v16.9 (improved 1.13.1 compatibility)
- Player death messages, mob names and grammar corrected....
Basic Commands:
/afk - sets you to be away form keyboard.
/blockinfo - Shows block information including it's real name.
/compass [sourceName] (targetName) (x) (z) (worldname) (-s) - Sets compass target to location or specific location on map.
/ping - shows your current ping in milliseconds.
/msg - sends a message to another player.
/chat [playerName/off] - enables persistent chat mode where you can write public messages and they will be sent only to defined player.
/checkexp (playerName) - Checks players exp level with no name specified shows your own experience level.
/helpop [message] - sends message to help channel and any player who can give help will see that message.
/ignore (playerName/uuid/all) - add/remove player to ignore list.
/iteminfo - shows item in hand information.
/lastonline [timeRange/list/stop] [page] - shows list of last online players from time range. Excludes currently online players.
/list - Shows list of online.
/near (distance) - shows players near you.
/msgtoggle (playerName) - Toggles private messages on and off.
/playtime (playerName) - shows players playtime.
/playtimetop - shows top list sorted by players play time.
/pos (playerName) - prints current position including chunk and world region coordinates, light level and appropriate nether world coordinates mouse over info in chat.
/recipe (itemName) - Shows recipe for item by provided name or from players hand. Option to click on any item in recipe GUI to check its recipe.
/delhome (homeName) - removes home from player by defined name.
/reply or /r [message] - reply to last player who messaged you.
/seen [playerName/uuid] - shows last time player was seen.
/sethome (homeName) - sets home location for you or target player, if name not defined then home is used by default.
/sit - sit down...
/afk - sets you to be away form keyboard.
/blockinfo - Shows block information including it's real name.
/compass [sourceName] (targetName) (x) (z) (worldname) (-s) - Sets compass target to location or specific location on map.
/ping - shows your current ping in milliseconds.
/msg - sends a message to another player.
/chat [playerName/off] - enables persistent chat mode where you can write public messages and they will be sent only to defined player.
/checkexp (playerName) - Checks players exp level with no name specified shows your own experience level.
/helpop [message] - sends message to help channel and any player who can give help will see that message.
/ignore (playerName/uuid/all) - add/remove player to ignore list.
/iteminfo - shows item in hand information.
/lastonline [timeRange/list/stop] [page] - shows list of last online players from time range. Excludes currently online players.
/list - Shows list of online.
/near (distance) - shows players near you.
/msgtoggle (playerName) - Toggles private messages on and off.
/playtime (playerName) - shows players playtime.
/playtimetop - shows top list sorted by players play time.
/pos (playerName) - prints current position including chunk and world region coordinates, light level and appropriate nether world coordinates mouse over info in chat.
/recipe (itemName) - Shows recipe for item by provided name or from players hand. Option to click on any item in recipe GUI to check its recipe.
/delhome (homeName) - removes home from player by defined name.
/reply or /r [message] - reply to last player who messaged you.
/seen [playerName/uuid] - shows last time player was seen.
/sethome (homeName) - sets home location for you or target player, if name not defined then home is used by default.
/sit - sit down...
Anyway. Server's up. natbyte is alive. Prepare for Armageddon.
Maps wiped. Everything is back to normal. Expect Phantoms.
Will update this post to reflect known plugins, but expect the server to exist as a vanilla-like plugin-lite experience.
Currently we have:
Essentials (for /sethome and the like)
Chat plugin coming "soon"
Grief Prevention (Gold Shovel used for marking corners, stick to check claims -- http://bit.ly/mcgpuser)
That's it. No more /fly. No more /pancakes or /kittycannon.
If you missed us and wanted to see what happens when natbyte says "fuck it, lets go back to basically vanilla" this is your chance.
ip: minecraftserver.com
Sidenote: All donation statuses have been, at this point, officially reset.
-- BSPiotr
Anyway. Server's up. natbyte is alive. Prepare for Armageddon.
Maps wiped. Everything is back to normal. Expect Phantoms.
Will update this post to reflect known plugins, but expect the server to exist as a vanilla-like plugin-lite experience.
Currently we have:
Essentials (for /sethome and the like)
Chat plugin coming "soon"
Grief Prevention (Gold Shovel used for marking corners, stick to check claims -- http://bit.ly/mcgpuser)
That's it. No more /fly. No more /pancakes or /kittycannon.
If you missed us and wanted to see what happens when natbyte says "fuck it, lets go back to basically vanilla" this is your chance.
ip: minecraftserver.com
Sidenote: All donation statuses have been, at this point, officially reset.
-- BSPiotr
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM