What Do You Look For In An Operating System?

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by livetree84, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. livetree84

    livetree84 Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I'm writing an operating system called scorpion OS. Scorpion aims to be an open-source Linux based operating system, but be as easy to use as windows or OSX. It will come with the KDE interface, and a custom package manager. However, a lot of the software that comes with KDE is not so noob friendly (such as there terrible camera "app"); What packages do you find convenient? Anything else you would like to have in an operating system?

    What's wrong with windows?
    The main issue I have with windows is how much you have to pay to get much out of it. You have to pay over $100 to get the operating system in the first place, and then pay for any commercial software you would like to have on it (wich adds up really fast). It also has major security flaws, and is of course, closed source. Also the automatic forced windows updates are very annoying.

    What's wrong with OSX?
    Similar to windows, the OS is very expensive (because of the fact it's illegal to use on anything other than apple's multi-thousand dollar computers). It also claims to be virus proof, but it has been proven multiple times how easy it is to create an OSX compatible virus. Software is also expensive for OSX, usually even moreso then linux. And it is closed source. The fact you have to PAY for OS updates is also problematic if you care about your cyber security
    #1 livetree84, Jan 20, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017

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