The Age Of The Dawn Extra Stuff (spoilers)

Discussion in 'Written' started by shadowslasher11, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    So I was kinda trying to think of ways I could kinda expand into my story without needing to overfill the other thread with all types of unrelatable shit. But anyway, here I'll post things along the lines of cut parts of chapters, notes, art designs, music I use to think of characters/story points, further background info on characters/areas/lore of the story, even custom skins designed/recreated for players to fit Age of the Dawn's Standards.

    So, let's start off with a simple character that describes me the best.

    Greed went through several variations in my head and on paper as a character and how I was going to adapt him into the story. Originally he started out as a Gambler using nothing but the ability to control fate using his own luck. I then adopted him into an ex-Mobster character in which he escaped death by making contract with me in which he would have technically died, revived, and gained the powers of electricity through an electric chair on death row. I soon after redeveloped this character into a hybrid of the two characters. He's now developed as a Mob Boss that runs Millennium City with the help of his own crew. He's an avid Gambler, and is an ace at just about any form of betting games.

    Greed's Original Skin:

    As you can notice probably, it's just a recolor of my current skin and made to fix that of Greed's sin color which is gold. I figured that if all the characters of the 7 sins family looked like me, it would destroy any interest in the characters as they wouldn't and couldn't be separated by how they looked.

    Greed's New Skin:

    This skin is closer to the story's adaption. The black trench coat with the electric nodes (Blue) and wires that connect to Greed's arms. The pants consist of the grey in the story, and the golden watch chains that sit in his pockets that hang down. His eyes are gold/yellow to represent his Sin color, and the hair is made too looked pushed back like in the story.

    Greed's Current Theme:
  2. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Skynight's Skin that I redid to be more fitting to his character.

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