Survival Minecraft SMP Survival Guide (Tips and Tricks to help you thrive on our Server!)

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by Hail_a3, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I decided to compose a bit of a guide to get you started with surviving on Lots of new features have been added, and that can make things a bit overwhelming if you have nothing. So here is a quick Step-By-Step guide of suggested priorities (all leading up to using most of the new features of Minecraft)!

    1. Find Wood! You can't get started doing anything unless you find wood, and once you find wood, harvest lots of it! You can never have too many stacks of logs!

    2. Crafting Time! You need to make a crafting bench. Once you have done this, craft planks, sticks, and a wooden pickaxe (no other tools just yet). Now remove the bench and take it with you.

    3. Cobblestone! Harvest cobblestone. Once again, this is a block you can't have too much of. I suggest keeping at least 5 stacks on you at all times, but for now, just get half a stack.

    4. Tools! Craft your basic tools (Pickaxe x2, Sword) out of cobblestone to get you started. You can do this by placing your crafting bench down again, but remember to take it with you. You should only need Pickaxes (at least 2) and a Sword right now.

    5. Food! Find a source of food. Animals come in handy here: you can get pork, beef, or chicken from passive mobs, or if you are unlucky in finding them, rotten flesh works fairly well too! I also suggest finding seeds so that you can start your own self-sufficient food source. Have enough food to replenish your hunger bar 5 times to start out.

    6. Mining Time! Get to mining! This might be where you start a small base underground to work out of temporarily. Mine every ore you can find (coal, iron at first) and upgrade your tools once you get enough iron. You should find Iron and Coal within 5 minutes of digging, and after that, diamond should come within the hour (diamond is best at level 15 and below). Remember: mine ALL ores you find, as they give you xp from either breaking or smelting them. Be weary of lava and NEVER dig down. Keep mining until you have a stack of iron, 2 stacks of coal, and at least 5 diamond.

    7. Building a House! Once you have the basic ores, is is a good idea to get a house built. I recommend 1000 blocks from spawn at least. Don't build anything too fancy just yet, as right now shelter is your main priority. Make sure to set up your furnaces and crafting benches here, as well as a few chests for your collections. Also, remember to place a bed and sleep in it to set your base spawn point. This is where you need to REALLY consider regioning your property:

    1. Follow the guide here or the video tutorials here.
    2. Get to know the region commands and flags available to you. These include fire-spread, chest-access, and other useful commands.
    3. Set up some type of wall to prevent people from trespassing. This clearly marks your region for everyone passing by.

    8. Suiting Up! Now that you have a house, something you need to consider doing is using that iron you have for immediate purposes. I recommend 2 suits of armor (48 iron), 2 swords (4 iron), and 4 pickaxes (12 iron) so you will have a spare set of your main "loadout gear" handy. This should cost you no less than 40 iron total. Keep half of this on you, and the other half in the chest. If you still have the 5 diamonds, craft a sword and a pickaxe with them. Store the rest for future use. It is up to you to decide to carry the diamond tools on your person, or to store them.

    9. Locking Your Junk! Access our lock plugin by typing /lwc for a list of commands. To lock a door, chest, dispenser, furnace, etc. type /cprivate and left click (attack) the item you wish to lock. To add members, /cmodify (name) then left click the protection. We currently have no way of helping you recover stolen items if you fail to do this.

    10. Obby!!!!!!!! Surely by now you have found a lava source (and possibly obsidian). If you haven't, look for one (you need a pool of still lava). Craft a bucket and fill it with water, then pour the water on top of the still lava. Now mine out that obsidian with the diamond pickaxe, being careful not to fall in the lava. You should try to get 32 Obsidian at least. Store this obsidian for future use.

    11. Stargates! We have a Stargate system available to you. Ask a purple-ranked player (known as travelers) to set one up for you. You need 10 Obsidian and a Sign. Be sure to add this person to your region, and remove them when you are done (see regioning link). You will also need a Stargate name and a Network name (I have 2 stargates, one on a private network, and one on our central network so I can have visitors). Be sure to block access to any public stargate you have on your property if you wish to keep people from trespassing.

    12. Wealth and Health! Now that you are all stocked up and have the basic materials, it is time to consider your plans for this server. Surviving shouldn't be a problem for you, but it is always good to have a plan. This plan can be whatever you want it to be. I will outline a few suggestions I think would be helpful.

    *Diamond Armor (remember the "spare set" rule)
    *Enchanting (Use that mining xp and try for a level 30 on everything :p)
    *Enderchest (Keep your most precious stuff here in case of catastrophe)
    *Hoarding (Always nice to have tons of supplies)
    *Nether Exploring (for that glowy block we just cannot get enough of)
    *Long-Term Projects (Castles, Towns, Empires... devote your time to a work of art!)

    A few reminders:
    • Make a habit of mining daily to keep stocked up on supplies.
    • Keep up your farming (both plant and animals) to insure your food supply.
    • Try to remain Self-Sufficient. (Trading is fine, but what kind of person wants to rely on other people constantly?)
    • Make Friends! (Help each other out. This is a community, not a free for all! Good friends go a LONG way on this server.)
    • Be helpful to new players! (You don't have to give everyone free stuff, but be nice and mindful of the fact that they probably don't know what they are doing.)
    Note: This is mainly for new players (or old players who haven't been able to "get it"). I know this may be pretty basic, but that is what it is supposed to be. It is a "How to Start a Successful Minecraft Life When Starting from Scratch" guide. Enjoy and let me know changes to make!
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  2. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    The Next Level....

    Mastered the tutorial already? Here are some more things to consider doing!

    1. Organize Your House. I like to have a place for storage, smelting, brewing, and enchanting. You know where to go to accomplish tasks.

    2. Enchanting. Build an enchantment station. Consider building in an automatic mechanism to switch between high-medium-low enchants. Also consider making the building/room themed around enchanting/wizardry.

    3. Prepare for Battle. There are many opportunities to compete with players on the server. Be ready to fight when the time comes!

    4. Rank Up. Buy a rank that suits your liking. These can be purchased with in-game money (EmerDollars). ED can be acquired from voting ( | or selling/trading items on the server. Also consider donating money to the server to acquire unique perks only available to donators (/donate in game).

    **Remember to be mindful of other players when acquiring ED. Farms are good for food and drops, but can sometimes lag out the area. Know when too much is too much.**
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  3. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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  4. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    With regards to the farms, I personally think a lot of space is wasted by the over-use of plant/animal farms. Yes, it makes money, but it ruins the landscape and can cause lag in the area. I go through about a stack of bread per week of active gameplay. That is 3 stacks of wheat. For what other purpose are the large over-the-top farms than to gain quick profits? Consider this when you are building your farm. A nice, cozy farm with the 4 main crops (wheat, melon, pumpkin, reed) is all that is necessary to survive. A 20x20 area should do nicely, and I am a strong advocate for underground construction. As for animals, if you have more than 1 animal for every 2 sqr blocks, you probably have too many animals.

    Preserve the landscape and be classy!

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  5. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    2 suits of armor (24 iron)? i dont think so

    X = Iron
    [] = Nothing

    Shoes = 4

    Legs = 7

    Chest = 8

    Head = 5

    so that means 8+14+16+10=48
    so it should say "2 suits of armor (48 iron)"
    or 2 suits of armor (24 iron each)
  6. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    lol i have a 150x150 farm >.<
  7. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    That was clearly a mistype, not a miscalculation. You only had to point out the flaw, not do this whole math problem...
  8. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Sorry i felt like it and was bored.
  9. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Also, if you need a stargate, ask me in game! I make them free of charge (tips accepted) and provide the materials if you have none!
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